Thursday, September 25, 2008

So what's this all about, then?

In the past, when I relied solely on my custom domain and @yahoo addresses for email, I rarely received messages intended for others. Yes, the spam always found its way into my inbox. But honest-to-goodness emails from real humans intended to go to someone else? Rare.

But once I set up my @gmail account, using my first initial and my (apparently semi-common) last name, the crap started flowing. I now get messages for Cindy, or Candy, or Chuck. Whatever.

It wouldn't be a big deal and I wouldn't be posting it if much of this junk didn't routinely come from a handful of people that I have attempted to contact. My emails explaining that I am not, in fact, their relative but instead some guy they do not know seem to fall on deaf, or perhaps slightly mentally challenged, ears.

Also, these emails are so consistent in their ridiculousness. Forwarded stories that were debunked by years ago, or lame updates of old jokes with the latest liberal political figures as the punchline, or religion-for-retards folksy bullshit. No one ever mistakenly sends me top secret plans or photos of scantily-clad attractive people. Nope. Just kittens and bible verses.

Instead of just deleting them, I'm going to start posting these emails on this blog. I make no guarantees that they'll be interesting or funny. I do promise that, when taken as a whole, they will help remind you that we as Americans are surrounded by some truly unintelligent people.

Cindy Candy Chuck Chris

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